2004m1219 Genealogy Inventory Redundancy. √
• 2004m1219 Concept for Trur-Burk Genealogy Inventory Redundancy.
• Redundancy is essential in preservation of information. That's rule one. So my intentions center on that notion.

We need a collaboration which gathers together information on who has what genealogy source materials, and whatever has been processed into readable materials. Our goal should be not only to preserve source materials in our various homes. We should also be sharing what we have. We should establish and maintain the best inventory we can in whatever time and priority anybody puts into that effort. We should also be taking steps to convert source materials to on-line scanned versions.
•  JBT has made some steps to meet these objectives. Each of these efforts has been limited and partially successful.
• Problems with centralization of hard copy resource materials.
• 1. problem with centralization is that the materials are denied to other persons who might be actively accessing them, and putting source representations online.

2. another problem with centralization is that knowledge of the source materials disappear from attention of others

• 1. Here's a few collections points for such hardcopy materials.

2. I have gathered all or nearly all, on-line resources into a single folder on my Mac which is regularly backed up to a separate hard-disk.

3. I have made one CD copy of this same Mac folder, which I gave to Phil Albert at our recent encounter at Joel Truher's house. I asked him to pass this folder to Mary Truher. As my genealogy folder grows or changes, I will issue replacement CDs to Mary and to other relatives.

4. I have a web site, Truher.Net with LunarPages with 1000 MB of storage capability at modest cost. This allows everything to be put online. It can easily be password protected.